It's is a beautiful day here at the new RCI office in the Film Center Building! The sun is shining, the bustle of Hell's Kitchen looks peaceful down below and the skyline is majestically watching over the island of Manhattan. RCI has just re-branded to RCI Theatricals after twenty years of being Richards/Climan, Inc.! It has been so exciting to be in the office during this change. Change, for the most part, is a scary thing. Most people, including myself, think of it as uncomfortable and are even unwilling to let it affect their lives in any way. But seeing the way this office embraced the changes completely has been so inspiring. Instead of looking back, they are looking forward to another twenty years and beyond as RCI Theatricals! Not to mention, the new space is pretty ~swanky~. Check it out!
We are looking forward to the adventures in our new location in Hell's Kitchen! Check back for more!
~ Emery Major